British government provides five-star stay to TikToker Hareem Shah

Famed Pakistani TikToker Hareem Shah claims that she was recently offered lodging in a five-star hotel by the British government.

In a recent interview, Hareem Shah said that accommodation in the UK is notoriously expensive, but she considers herself fortunate as a close friend gifted her a lavishly furnished apartment in London, where she currently resides. Additionally, following a recent incident involving threats and blackmail, the British government has extended her accommodation in a luxurious five-star hotel, relieving her of any financial burdens during her stay.

Expressing gratitude to her admirers who shower her with expensive gifts, Hareem Shah emphasized that maintaining her lifestyle in London is facilitated by her extensive network of relationships in the city.

Furthermore, Hareem Shah highlighted her extraordinary luck and widespread fame, noting that millions of people search for her on Google, even within Pakistan, attributing her success to the blessings of Allah.

It is pertinent to mention that Hareem Shah recently faced threats, leading to the provision of security by the London Police Scotland Yard. Allegations surfaced from a group of British Pakistanis accusing her of theft in Manchester, claiming she absconded to London with £6,000.