Remote-controlled cockroach army prepared for desert training exercises

PS:Dunya News

Singapore- Scientists in Singapore have stunned everyone by preparing a remote-controlled cockroach army utilizing cutting-edge technology.

Researchers at the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore have developed machine-controlled cockroaches (Red Beetles) that were deployed in a remote area using cyborgs i.e., electrical appliances to control cockroaches’ “army” in a pilot project.

The primary objective of this experiment was to determine whether machine-controlled cockroaches could assist in achieving specific objectives such as locating missing persons or objects in any area.

According to a report from the renowned journal “New Scientist,” experts are considering the use of machine-controlled cockroaches during sudden disasters to search for missing persons. The machine-controlled cockroach will have a backpack installed on its back containing various small devices. In addition to finding people trapped in boxes, this machine-controlled cockroach can also be helpful in rescuing people trapped in rubble.

During various experiments, Madagascar cockroaches were equipped with backpacks on their backs to be controlled by a central computer. Instructions were issued to these backpacks such as which direction to move. The experiment was successful as the cockroaches followed the leader and experts controlled them easily. This experiment is expected to become part of real-life soon.

It is worth noting that during the experiments, the central computer’s software gave the leader a number and the other cockroaches followed it. The machine-controlled cockroach was successful in finding its way around obstacles whether they were on its right or left and even helped people who had fallen on their backs in some cases.


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