Three Devils

Angels and devils were hot topics when we were children. Our community uses them as a metaphor. They forget to tell us that they are living within us. We can be angels to ourselves, similar to the devil. We are all well-known for how we can be angels and contribute to the service of mankind. Let’s dig into the harsh realities of the devil.There are three devils that are ingested in our souls, and we are under their grip. These became obstacles on the path to success. The name of the first devil is “comparison.” Our lives are usually filled with judgments, which shows that we are constantly in the habit of comparison. The learning point is: We might have the same finish line, but the starting points are different. Some people struggle very hard compared to others, which means we all have our own personal race. What if we have good speed but we are running in the wrong direction? We might reach the finish line, but that doesn’t belong to us. You are still very far away from your goal.

The name of the second devil is “Gossips.” We all love gossip. This love-to-hate thing is very popular and cheesy. The more we use bad words for something, the more we think we know the truth. You can’t be good if you use bad words for others. Gossips in our culture are rephrased as learning from other mistakes, but learning from other mistakes has different parameters. Gossips in our culture seem to be a reflection of the unknown, unimportant stories of others. The more you listen badly to others,the more you will be part of your thoughts, and remembering thoughts leads to action. Be conscious of what you are hearing and saying. The choice is yours.

The name of the third devil is “Time Waster.” Block your time for the most important and urgent task. People who don’t get treatment for their disease at the right time lose their lives. This shows how much it is important to be on time. This shows that we are willing to respect the time because time and tide won’t wait for anyone.These well-known and well-researched devils are now in the town. To live an intentional life, be aware of these devils.