Why do some people’s sneezes reach terrifyingly high volumes?


It’s an interesting question with an equally interesting answer.

The speed of a sneeze can range from 100 to 500 miles per hour and it’s an involuntary bodily reaction required to keep the respiratory tract clear.

However, some individuals sneeze with such force that the sound alone startles those around them unintentionally.

The sound of a sneeze can be so loud that it makes us wonder how someone can sneeze with such force.

But there’s an intriguing reason behind it and it’s not something people do intentionally.

According to medical experts, some people laugh with forceful voices while others sneeze silently. This phenomenon is also associated with sneezes.

They explained that sneezes primarily express our personality and personal habits whether we are aware of it or not.

That’s why in competitions between men and women, men’s sneezes are usually louder as there is no societal pressure for them to remain silent.

A study found that 45% of men prefer to sneeze loudly while 32% of women make every possible effort to suppress their sneezes.

The word that makes 55% of people sneeze involuntarily when reading it

Unconscious factors such as the volume and capacity of the sinuses also affect the impact of the sneeze sound.

According to experts, the longer you hold your breath, the more dramatic the sneeze sound will be.

So does trying to stop a sneeze reduce the volume of the sound?

The truth is that trying to stop a sneeze should never be attempted as it can damage the respiratory tract.

A while ago, a bizarre case emerged in Britain.

In this case, a person tried to stop a sneeze causing a hole in their nasal passage.

Fortunately, this person did not suffer any significant harm and recovered after treatment.

However, doctors emphasized that the nose should not be pinched to stop a sneeze as it can damage the respiratory tract.


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