Sonam Kapoor reveals genuine reason for being ‘traumatized’ after birth of first child

Bollywood superstar Sonam Kapoor recently shared with her extensive fanbase the genuine reason behind her initial struggles with mental health after the birth of her first child: a significant weight gain of nearly 32 kilos.

During a candid conversation with Pernia Qureshi on her talk show, “Fashionably by Pernia,” Sonam candidly discussed her fashion choices post-pregnancy.

She revealed the challenges she faced in returning to her pre-pregnancy weight, dispelling the misconception that everything would simply “return to normal” after childbirth.

Sonam admitted to being traumatized by the drastic weight gain, explaining, “I gained 32 kilos.

Honestly, initially, I was traumatized because, despite what people say, you still cling to the hope that once the baby arrives, everything will magically revert to how it was.”

She further elaborated on the physical and emotional toll of early motherhood, including the demands of breastfeeding and the overwhelming pain.

Reflecting on her journey, Sonam emphasized the importance of taking things slow and allowing herself time to adjust to her new role as a mother.

She expressed that it took her a year and a half to find her footing and embrace her new reality.

Sonam also acknowledged the profound changes that accompany motherhood, impacting relationships with oneself, parents, and spouse.

She concluded by likening the transformation of her body to the broader changes in her life, emphasizing the profound shift that comes with welcoming a new life into the world.


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